Individual Life Coaching

I view a coaching engagement as a collaborative, creative process in which I get to help uncover the inherent creativity in my clients and a trust within themselves in their own ongoing collaboration with Life as expressed in their personal sense of purpose/meaning/dharma. 

My coaching training is based in positive psychology, which is a social psychology research field that focuses on human thriving (the conditions that lead to human flourishing). Positive Psychology Coaching works with evidence-based techniques that apply that research in practical ways in the coaching process to help generate positivity, motivation, self-efficacy, self-esteem and the cultivation of well-being while making progress towards one's coaching goals. I also bring to my approach to coaching a Yogic framework and my history as a visual artist. 

Here’s How It Works

Getting Started

A coaching engagement typically consists of a series of sessions, about 50-60 minutes long. Sessions can be weekly, or spread out more (bi-weekly or monthly) depending on your needs. In the first session or two we will establish what it is that you’d like to get out of our coaching engagement. If you’re simply stuck and unclear on what your goals are, that’s okay! My job is to listen, ask questions and work with you on assessments that will help you to clarify what really matters to you in this moment in your life so that we can start creating a plan to help close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

Make Progress

Starting the conversation and beginning to uncover your coaching goals can be inspiring and lead you to already feel differently. Once we’ve established what you’d like to work towards, we will begin to identify specific steps to take and how/when/where to take them. We will address and plan for what might get in the way, to set you up as well as possible for making progress. Making progress towards what feels meaningful to us can help us gain self-efficacy, self esteem, increased energy and motivation! I will act as a support and accountability partner, as well as help to modify the plan as we go along based on what comes up or how your priorities shift as the process unfolds.


At the end of each session we will pinpoint specific tasks that you’ll commit to taking before our next session. I may also send along assessments, journaling prompts or readings between sessions as they apply to your process and are of interest to you. We may also create an accountability plan at the end of our sessions- which are the best ways for me to check in about progress with tasks before we next meet. The work in coaching really happens between sessions. Our conversation holds, steers and celebrates that process while helping to usher it along!


  • Free Initial Consultation (20-30 minutes)

  • 6 Sessions for $500

  • Individual sessions for $100

(I’m open to offering a sliding scale depending on need/availability)